At WellTheory, we collaborate with a select network of independent third-party labs for diagnostics. All of these labs are CLIA certified, CAP accredited, and/or benefit from physician authorization, ensuring a level of precision that aligns with medical institutional standards. Each participating lab is subjected to regular quality assurance checks to consistently deliver the highest standards in testing.

Your testing kits are conveniently delivered right to your doorstep, complete with user-friendly guidelines to aid you in the sample collection process.

Whole-Body Care For Those Seeking Answers

Discover your root cause with a dedicated team of autoimmune specialists. Gain clear insights into your mysterious symptoms and start your healing journey with a personalized plan.
Find Your Root Cause
How Our Members Heal
decreased symptoms
within 4 weeks
better quality of life
within 20 weeks
Energy Levels
as seen in
as seen in

What you can look forward to as a WellTheory member

Ongoing Expert Support
Your Care Team of autoimmune experts—led by a registered dietitian—is here to provide continuous care through regular video calls and unlimited messaging.
Dedicated, Personalized Care
Together, we’ll uncover the root causes contributing to your symptoms and create a whole-body plan to address your nutritional and lifestyle needs.
Evidence-Based, Holistic Approach
Learn simple, evidence-based habits around nutrition, sleep, stress, movement and connection to self, others and nature to reduce your symptoms.
Community Support
You’re not alone on your autoimmunity journey. Join an intimate community of others who are living and learning alongside you.

Autoimmune Symptoms We Help You Alleviate

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Often the result of long-term inflammation and depletion of nutrients, fatigue can be addressed by increasing your intake of protein and vegetables and creating a bedtime routine that supports a higher quality of sleep.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Joint Pain & Swelling
Inflammation can act as a signal to the brain to feel pain. One way to reduce those pain signals is to ingest more healthy fats and introduce a gentle movement routine to keep the joints from locking up.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Brain Fog
Reduced mental clarity can greatly impact quality of daily life and make it difficult to execute tasks, think quickly, and function without easily forgetting details. Supporting the gut-brain barrier with anti-inflammatory foods, practicing mindful eating, and hydrating adequately can reduce or eliminate brain fog.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Digestive Discomfort
Often a sign that your body is not breaking down food efficiently or easily, digestive issues can be addressed by simply chewing your food more and consuming digestive aids like ginger to support stomach acid production.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Unexplained Weight Gain
Symptoms are a mechanism for our body to communicate with us, sharing that something is out of balance. Unexplained weight gain or loss can be a key indicator of hormonal imbalances in the body. Following a foundational diet that supports reseting and getting to the root cause of these imbalances is key for supporting long term hormonal health, as well as optimal weight for your body.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Experiencing headaches is a way our body is trying to share that something is out of balance. Supporting optimal hydration and achieving therapeutic vitamin and mineral levels can help alleviate headaches and replenish nutrient stores in the body.
Find Your Root Cause

Identify The Root Cause Of Your Symptoms

Our custom Root Cause Panel tests for nine biomarkers of autoimmune response. Coupled with a one-hour onboarding call, our team will help you identify what’s triggering your symptoms.
Megan, 37
lab markers
C-Reactive Protein, Antinuclear Antibodies, Thyroid Antibodies
Root Causes
Genetics, Environmental Triggers, Intestinal Permeability
action steps
Nutrition: Increase omega-3-rich foods and minimize processed foods to combat inflammation.
action steps
Supplements: Add in a gut-healing agent, like L-Glutamine, at night before bed.
Alleviated Symptoms
Joint Pain, Skin Issues, Fatigue
Sapna, Registered Dietitian

Conditions And Symptoms We Support

From 100+ conditions to a variety of symptoms, find out if WellTheory is right for you.

Get Empathetic Support From Expert Practitioners

Navigating a health concern is frustrating — especially when your care provider dismisses your symptoms. On average, it takes 4.5 years to get an autoimmune diagnosis.

Our Care Team consists of a network of health practitioners, registered dietitians, and clinical advisers, all with autoimmune-specific training. They’ve helped thousands of others like you feel wholly supported on their path to healing.

Experience Life Changing, Whole-Body Care

Science says 80% of health starts with small choices we make every day.1 Our Care Team supports you in five key areas of influence including nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, movement, and your connection to self, others, and nature.
Prevent Unnecessary
Medications & Procedures
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is on my Care Team and how often do we meet?
Your dedicated Care Team includes a licensed registered dietitian, board-certified health coach, and a care coordinator. Think of your registered dietitian as your nutrition expert, your health coach as your behavior change buddy, and your care coordinator as your go-to for anything customer service-related.

Our care is consistent. After onboarding and setting up your Care Team and Plan, you'll have 2x monthly 1:1 video sessions for ongoing support. Between appointments, we're just a message away for any additional support you may need.
Are the lab tests optional, and do they cost extra?
Yes, testing is optional.

Our Root Cause Panel is included free with your WellTheory membership.

We also offer a range of testing, including gut microbiome analysis, food sensitivities, hormone panels, heavy metals, and environmental toxins. Our Care Team will work with you to determine which tests are recommended based on your symptoms and health goals. These tests are not included in your membership, and would require an additional fee.

Learn more about our lab tests.
My symptoms are often dismissed by conventional healthcare. How is WellTheory different?
You're not alone. WellTheory was born from our founder's personal journey through the challenges of autoimmune health. Our program, rooted in empathy and shared experiences, addresses your root causes through small lifestyle adjustments. Many on our Care Team manage their own autoimmune issues, ensuring a deep understanding for therapeutic, collaborative, and ongoing care.
What is natural healing, and why is it important in WellTheory's approach?
Natural healing, in the context of WellTheory, involves prioritizing the body's innate ability to recover and thrive through holistic and lifestyle-based interventions. We emphasize whole-person care, focusing on nutrition, sleep, stress management, movement, and meaningful connections. This approach is crucial as it seeks to address the root causes of symptoms, promoting long-term well-being and reducing dependency on medications with potential side effects. Our commitment to natural healing reflects our belief in empowering individuals to reclaim their health through mindful choices and comprehensive lifestyle adjustments.
What is the Root Cause Panel, and how does it help with diagnosis?
The Root Cause Panel is a set of advanced diagnostics included in your membership. It provides insights into autoimmune markers and guides our Care Team in creating personalized health protocols.
What kind of outcomes can I expect from WellTheory's program?
Since our launch, we've seen transformative results, including significant reductions in symptoms, increased life satisfaction, and fewer medical visits.
Join WellTheory

Go From Root Cause → Relief

1 Katz, D. L., Frates, E. P., Bonnet, J. P., Gupta, S. K., Vartiainen, E., & Carmona, R. H. (2018). Lifestyle as Medicine: The
Case for a True Health Initiative. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 32 (6), 1452–1458. https://
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