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our approach

Unconventional Care,
Yields Unconventional Results

Sapna, Registered Dietitian
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Built for Autoimmune Patients, by Autoimmune Patients
Personalized Care
Comprehensive Lifestyle Changes
welltheory membership

1-1 Coaching

WellTheory offers evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching to reduce autoimmune symptoms and help you feel like you again.
Energy Levels
Energy Levels
Pain Levels
as seen in

Continuous Support

2x monthly 1:1 video calls with your Care Team Unlimited messaging

The average primary care visit lasts 18 minutes and you’re lucky to get two per year. With WellTheory, you get two visits per month and unlimited messaging with coaches who share your experience in autoimmunity.

100% of members experience symptoms relief in 12 weeks

Personalized Care Plan

You’ll receive a long-term nutrition and lifestyle plan informed by your root cause and tailored to your evolving needs.

“I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis when I was 19 and have been managing my condition for 10 years. Traditional autoimmune care felt disheartening and unfair, so I started using food to heal and my life changed forever. I’m now in remission, symptom-free, and work as an NTP where I teach others how to reclaim their health.”

Jesse, WellTheory Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
See Jesse’s Care Plan

A Supportive Community

Meet other members that share your experience, ask questions, and attend expert-led events like live Q&A sessions and masterclasses.

“All of this [healing] has happened with incredible support you don't have to fight for from a Care Team who really knows what it's like to live with autoimmune disease."

Heidi, WellTheory Member
start healing now

Membership Options

WellTheory Resources
for a limited time.
Personalized autoimmune resources
Limited access to masterclasses and programs
Access to advanced testing, product discounts, and member perks
Sign In
1-1 Coaching
$125 $100
your first month,
cancel anytime.
1:1 video sessions twice a month and unlimited messaging with your Care Team
Personalized 360º care plan and ongoing accountability
Full access to expert-led masterclasses, office hours, programs, and a supportive community
Access to advanced testing, product discounts, and member perks
Join Now
Have questions? Speak with a member of our team to get all your questions answered.
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