Healing-Centric Personalized Autoimmune Care

WellTheory offers clinically verified nutrition and lifestyle coaching to reduce autoimmune symptoms. Work with our experts to take control of your health today. 

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Reduce Symptoms Naturally

A Natural Approach To Autoimmune Care

Alleviate your most debilitating symptoms through simple lifestyle changes. Together with a dedicated team of autoimmune specialists, we’ll build a plan that targets your root cause.
Reduce Symptoms Naturally
How Our Members Heal
decreased symptoms
within 4 weeks
better quality of life
within 20 weeks
Energy Levels
as seen in
as seen in

What you can look forward to as a WellTheory member

Ongoing Expert Support
Your Care Team of autoimmune experts—led by a registered dietitian—is here to provide continuous care through regular video calls and unlimited messaging.
Dedicated, Personalized Care
Together, we’ll uncover the root causes contributing to your symptoms and create a whole-body plan to address your nutritional and lifestyle needs.
Evidence-Based, Holistic Approach
Learn simple, evidence-based habits around nutrition, sleep, stress, movement and connection to self, others and nature to reduce your symptoms.
Community Support
You’re not alone on your autoimmunity journey. Join an intimate community of others who are living and learning alongside you.

Conditions And Symptoms We Support

From 100+ conditions to a variety of symptoms, find out if WellTheory is right for you.

Experience Life Changing, Whole-Body Care

Science says 80% of health starts with small choices we make every day.1 Our Care Team supports you in five key areas of influence including nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, movement, and your connection to self, others, and nature.
Prevent Unnecessary
Medications & Procedures
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures

Get Empathetic Support From Expert Practitioners

Managing an autoimmune disease is complicated — especially when your care provider dismisses your symptoms.

Our Care Team consists of a network of health practitioners, registered dietitians, and clinical advisers, all with autoimmune-specific training. They’ve helped thousands of others like you feel wholly supported on their path to healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve tried lots of treatments in the past. How do I know WellTheory will work for me?
We understand the frustration that comes with managing an autoimmune condition. Our personalized plans get to the root cause of your symptoms to build more effective treatment. Practitioners will take your history into consideration and adapt their coaching to meet your needs as they change.

That said, we want to make trying WellTheory a safe choice. Our membership is month-to-month—no contract needed.
You’re talking about a natural approach to healing. Do I still need to take my medication?
Modern medicine is nothing short of a miracle, but can have some long-term side effects. 

We won’t ask you to stop taking your medication. Instead, we’ll work to help you achieve remission for your condition by adding simple diet and lifestyle changes to your current care regimen.

Currently, 24% of our members on biologics have had their Primary Care Physician reduce or eliminate their medication on account of them experiencing remission with our program.
I’m managing multiple autoimmune diagnoses. Is your team equipped to deal with that?
Yes. Our practitioners have autoimmune expertise and will formulate a Care Plan that treats your body as a whole, including different symptoms and the root causes that might be triggering them.
I’ve struggled with practitioners not believing me. Will it actually be different this time?
You’re not alone. WellTheory was created to combat this exact experience, one that our founder went through firsthand. It drove her to provide a better option.

Our program targets your root causes, helping you heal your way to symptom-free through small lifestyle adjustments. The backbone of our care is empathy through lived experience, with many practitioners on our Care Team managing their own autoimmune issues. In this way, you’ll share an automatic fluency and understanding with your practitioner that grounds their therapeutic, collaborative, and ongoing care.
How does WellTheory fit into my existing care and regimen? Will I see results immediately?
We believe in a collaborative care team model and aim to integrate alongside your existing physician and specialists. What our focus will be on is managing your symptoms through simple adjustments to your lifestyle habits in five key areas: Nutrition, stress, sleep, and movement. We’ll track and measure your progress using clinically-verified methods and biomarker improvement.

Members typically see symptom reduction in the first couple of months of the program. We do recommend working with your Care Team for six months to build the habits necessary to sustain progress long-term.
Who is on my Care Team?
Your dedicated Care Team includes a licensed registered dietitian, board-certified health coach, and a care coordinator. Think of your registered dietitian as your nutrition expert, your health coach as your behavior change buddy, and your care coordinator as your go-to for anything customer service-related.
How often do I meet with my Care Team?
While your symptoms may be sporadic, our care won’t be. We want you to feel as supported as you need in a shame-free environment.

Once you complete a more thorough onboarding process and get your Care Team and Plan in place, you’ll meet with them 2x monthly in 1:1 video sessions. For additional support needed between appointments, we’ll be just a message away.
Join WellTheory

take the guesswork out of healing with personalized care

1 Katz, D. L., Frates, E. P., Bonnet, J. P., Gupta, S. K., Vartiainen, E., & Carmona, R. H. (2018). Lifestyle as Medicine: The Case for a True Health Initiative. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 32 (6), 1452–1458. https://doi.org/10.1177/0890117117705949
Reduce Symptoms Naturally
How Our Members Heal
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures





Whole body






Autoimmune Care

WellTheory offers evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching to reduce autoimmune symptoms and help you take control of your health. To get started, choose what best represents you.
How Our Members Heal
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures
decrease in
biologics medications
decrease in
specialty visits
decrease in
ER + Urgent Care Visits
decrease in
medical procedures